Monday, April 11, 2011

Who am I?

Well, my name is Hillary Mueller. I'm a second year marketing major. I was born in Knoxville Tennessee then my family moved to Syracuse New York where we lived till I was about 7. I now call Marion Ohio my home town which is like an hour north of Cbus. I work at Express at Polaris :). I'm completely obsessed with volleyball and I coach a junior high team! I'm obsessed with Starbucks and Panera. I have 3 baby turtles,their names are beamer benz and bentley and I have a beta fish named dirty beats. I love sports, pretty much any and all. I have a 22 year old sister who is graduating from Ohio University this spring. People can't tell us apart and I am constantly asked if we're twins. A unique thing about me is I am an ordained minister :) I did an online thing and got my license in 15 minute or less as a joke and I actually renewed my friends parents vows. I never take life seriously. I try to be funny all the time because being serious sucks.

Why did I GO GREEK?
My choice to go greek took me awhile. All the women in my family were in sororities and I thought it sounded like an OK idea, but I was worried it would be too much time.I was really worried I wouldn't fit in because of all the stereotypes out there. I decided my sophmore year that a sorority was something I could at least try. I thought I would be able to get more involved and meet new people. The entire rush process was pretty crazy and stressful and I really thougt about dropping out a couple times, but I am so happy I hung in there. I am even more happy and blessed to have found Alpha Chi Omega. I feel that being in Alpha Chi has made me myself again. I felt like I had lost myself in the shuffle of Ohio State. The school is huge and it wasn't easy for me to get as involved as I was in high school. I didn't even think I wanted to stay at OSU but Alpha Chi changed that. It gave me a group of girls who are like me, yet they challenge me to be better and teach me to grow as a person. I have to say greek life at Ohio State is amazing and something I want to expand at OSU because I think there is  a place for everyone and anyone within it's community.

What do I think of a Blog???
I have some serious hatred for blogs because I had to do one for English class last year and my teacher had us doing 1 a day for the entire quarter and it was on science fiction. It was terrible. However, I think it is a good idea because it is something new and way more cutting edge than boring papers. I also have an obsession with youtube videos, so those will be fun to post! :)

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I love that video! It cracks me up, and to be honest I didn't even know that people really thought that stuff about sororities. I guess I am a little sheltered. Also, I love your turtles' names. :)
