Tuesday, May 10, 2011



[sit-uh-zuhn-ship, -suhn-]

the state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.
the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen: an award for good citizenship.
This is a dictionary definition of what citizenship means. While it seems like a very simple concept, it is actually quite complex and many things go into being a good citizen. This definition pretty much sums it up by saying doing what you need to do, when you need to do it and how it needs to be done, for the greater good of the community. Now if I really wanted to be generic I could say well I sign up for things like Flap Jack Frenzy in my sorority, so I am demonstrating good citizenship, but it is about more than that. When I am looking at what makes me a good citizen in my sorority community, I don't just want it to be about doing the bare minimum or what is required of me. I want my citizenship to be based on going above and beyond. For example, this weekend I'll be participating in AOPI's kickball tournement, and a powderpuff football game.  As an Alpha Chi, it is my responsibility to participate, but I am going above and beyond for the things I signed up for and my requirements for accountability have alread been filled. But I want to show my sisters I am someone they can count on to step up and participate. I am volunteering with recruitment because I want to be helpful. I could have joined the sorority and done the bare minimum and gotten by, but I want my experience to be something greater and that involves citizenship.
When it comes to Alpha Chi and their citizenship in the university as a whole, I truely feel we shine. My sisters are involved in SO many things and they are all so diverse. I know when Buckeyethon came around, I was extremely proud to call myself an Alpha Chi. My sisters helped organize the event, some were motivation leaders, and many participated, and most visited. It was so great to see them come together for a great cause and it seemed like everyone had support on each level. I feel like it was a shining example of how we do things. One of my sisters, Navy, is in the beat boxing club at OSU. When buckeye showcase came around, there were probably 50 of us on a thursday night there to support her. I guess when I look at the way we do things I would say we are honestly there for each other. My big, had to go to a pistol club meeting for one of her classes and instead of going alone, she had 4 sisters with her. The involvment one individual takes on in the university, instantly triggers others to join her. It is almost like it is contagious and I love that about my sisters. They are involved and looking to better themselves and the people around them, which I feel are elements of citizenship.
Greeks play a HUGE role at Ohio State. They are involved in everything from student government, to the latern, and even a few athletes. Even though I have only been involved in greek life for a short amount of time, it is already clear to me that when something needs done at OSU, the greeks are there to do it. I know from the outside looking in, greek life is a joke, but we have the highest GPA out of any other organization on campus and that is saying something. We are also an organization that does a lot of the community. I think Greek life has ALOT of stereotypes to overcome before everyone looks at the community as "a good citizen" but we're getting there. As a whole, it could not be more important for us to stay good citizens in the eyes of our peers and administraters, because one slip up from any organization on campus reflects badly on all the greek organizations. On the same note, I think the Greek organizations on campus are exceptional.  My sister is involved in Greek Life at OU and it seems every other day she is telling me about a new fraternity or sorority getting in trouble or kicked off campus. I don't hear about that at OSU. It makes me feel like we're doing something above average and exemplifies our good citizenship. I think greeks at Ohio State are following what it means to be good citizens, they are doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and how it needs to be done and they are going above and beyond to do it!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really awesome how proud you are of your chapter! :) I think you also bring up a good point-- looking at Greek life on other campuses. We can see areas in which we excel, as well as ideas for future development! (Also, SO excited to see you at Strike-Out!! :) )
